One of the best ways to deal with a backseat driver is just to pretend they are not talking. This will work if they are not being too intrusive or loud. If they are yelling at you from the passenger seat or even the back seat, you might have to resort to other tactics.
You can also get a backseat driver to stop trying to control the driving by providing them with some distractions. Ask them to look up something on their phone, or have them text a mutual friend that you might see when you get to your destination. You could also start a conversation that has nothing to do with driving, to see if you can engage them and take their mind off the road. Just remember to keep your concentration on the road.
Have your passenger choose some music that they like and put them in charge of the playlist. If they are listening to the music and singing along they will have less time to think about how you are driving and where you are going. Just make sure that the music is not so loud that it has an effect on your concentration.
If you comfortable enough with your passenger, you can just tell them to stop, or they are going to have to ride with someone else. Be nice about it and acknowledge that they are trying to help, but firmly let them know that it is stressing you out and they need to stop.
If the backseat driver is a friend, most likely you already know that they cause stress when you drive. If you want to avoid it before it starts, set down some rules before they even get in the car. You can let them know that if they are going to try to tell you what to do, then they should just find another ride. This may help to stop the problem before it even starts.
If you are comfortable letting them drive, then put them behind the wheel. If you don’t want them driving your car, then suggest that everyone pile in theirs and they can just do the driving. If they are behind the wheel then they can’t tell you how to drive.
The way you handle a backseat driver depends on your relationship with them and their personality. Make sure you keep in mind that you don’t want any hard feelings, but you still want to get to your destination safely.