BMW of Akron

Archive for 'Safety Tips' Category
Apr 13, 2017

From preventive maintenance to packing your car with all essentials, there are plenty of ways to get yourself ready for a summer road trip. With that in mind, consider the following tips to help you prepare for the ride before you hit the open road. Service Your Vehicle The first thing on your to-do list […]

Dec 22, 2016

Driving in the wintertime is always a gamble if you live in an area with a snowy climate. But even when you plan ahead and try to stay off the roads during storms, it’s always a possibility that a blizzard could hit without much warning. Prepare now for how you’ll react if this happens to […]

Dec 15, 2016

The winter months bring a lot of changes, including worsened road conditions that are often unsafe for driving. Some companies offer paid time off for missed work time due to adverse road conditions, while others won’t penalize employees who can’t make it safely to the office. But when it comes to driving in the winter, […]

Sep 29, 2016

Most people use their electronic devices throughout the day, including in the car. While it isn’t safe to use some apps while driving, you can certainly play music or use navigation without becoming distracted. Check out these tips to properly use devices in a car and what to do with them when you arrive at […]

Jun 2, 2016

At some point, everyone has had a backseat driver in their car while they are driving. While they think they are being helpful, it can actually be more dangerous. A backseat driver causes stress and they can distract you from what is really going on in front of you. Here are some ways you can […]